
Procession of Resurrection on Sunday morning

In Poland there is still a tradition to ”open God’s Sepulcher” on Eastern Sunday morning – the ceremony is called Resurrection. People gather in the parish church in the very morning – around  5 – 6 am. After the customary ceremonies by the Sepulcher, a procession of priests, altar boys and the people with the most Holy Sacrament circles the church one or three times while the church bells peal and the organ is played.

Resurrection – from the Roman Ritual for the Polish Dioceses

On Sunday morning, before the bells ring, priests with white copes and singers go to the Sepulcher and pray a while. Afterwards the following antiphon is sung:
Ant. – Gloria tibi Trinitas, aequalis, una Deitas: et ante omnia saecula et nunc, et in perpetuum.

Psalm 116; Psalm 3.

Ant. – Glória tibi Trinitas, aequalis, una Deitas: et ante omnia saecula et nunc, et in perpetuum

V. Kyrie eleison
R. Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison
Pater noster
V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.
R. Sed libera nos a malo.
V. In Resurrectione tua Christe. Alleluja
R. Caelum et terra laetantur. Alleluja.
V. Domine exaudi oratione meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
V. Dominus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

Oremus. – Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae humilis in Passione, potens in Resurrectione, mortis infernique Destructor, quod olim per Prophetas in scripturis promisisti, hodie devicta morte resurgendo implevisti: propter quod omnis caelestis militiae Spiritus, et totus terrarum orbis profuso mentis gaudio, exultando te resurgentem adorant et glorificant: tartareae quoque nimium formidant, ac tremunt potestates. Nos autem, tuae dignationis humiles servuli, gloriosae Resurrectionis tuae memoriam unanimi voto devotissime celebrantes, ecce frequentes adsumus, et exuberantis tuae in nos caritatis memores, pias non continemus lacrimas. Respice quaesumus, humilitatis nostrae obsequia: et praesta, ut detersis peccatorum nostrorum sordibus, in his Paschalibus solemniis tibi resurgere, ac sanctissimae Passionis ac Resurrectionis tuae, fructus capaces esse mereamur. Qui vivis et regnas Deus in saecula saeculorum.
R. Amen.

The Sepulcher is sprinkled with the holy water and incensed. Then the priest takes the cross with the red stole and the statue of Resurrected Lord and gives it to the assistants. He incenses the most Holy Sacrament, takes the monstrance and the procession follows:

Cum Rex gloriae Christus infernum debellaturus intraret: et chorus Angelicus ante faciem ejus portas principium tolli praeciperet. Sanctorum populus, qui tenebatur in morte captivus, voce lacrimabili clamaverunt: Advenisti desiderabilis, quem expectabamus in tenebris, ut educeres hac nocte vinculatos de claustris. Te nostra vocabant suspiria: Te larga requirebant lamenta: Tu factus es spes desperatis, magna consolatio in tormentis.

After the procession has returned to the church, the priests puts the monstrance on the main altar and incenses it. He kniles on the altar steps and takes the cross with the red stole and sings three times with the choir:
V. Surrexit Dominus de sepulcro.

R. Qui pro nobis pependit in ligno, Alleluja.

The priest puts the cross on the epistle side and goes in front of the altar and sings:
V. In resurrectione tua Christe, Alleluja,
R. Coelum et terra laetantur, Alleluja.

Oremus. – Deus, qui nos Resurrectionis Dominicae annua solemnitate laetificas: concede propitius, ut per temporalia festa, quae agimus, pervenire ad gaudia aeterna mereamur.
Per eumdem Dominum nostrum...
R. Amen.

Source of photos: www.jurgow.pl

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