
In Nativitate Domini

Mariacki - Our Lady Church - in Krakow

Hodie nobis de caelo pax vera descendit:
Hodie per totum mundum melliflui facti sunt caeli.
Hodie illuxit nobis dies redemptionis novae, reparationis antiquae, felicitatis aeternae.
Hodie per totum mundum melliflui facti sunt caeli.
This day is the true peace come down unto us from heaven.
* This day throughout the whole world the skies drop down sweetness.
This day is the daybreak of our new redemption, of the restoring of the old, of everlasting joy.
This day throughout the whole world the skies drop down sweetness.

In Nativitate Domini

Hodie nobis caelorum Rex de Virgine nasci dignatus est, ut hominem perditum ad regna caelestia revocaret, gaudet exercitus angelorum, quia salus eterna humano generi apparuit. 

The King of heaven was pleased to be born of a Virgin,
that He might bring back to heaven man who was lost.

Personent Hodie

Personent hodie voces puerulae, laudantes iucunde
Qui nobis est natus, summo Deo datus,
Et de virgineo ventre procreatus.

In mundo nascitur, pannis involvitur praesepi ponitur Stabulo brutorum, rector supernorum.
Perdidit spolia princeps infernorum.

Magi tres venerunt, parvulum inquirunt, parvulum inquirunt,
Stellulam sequendo, ipsum adorando,
Aurum, thus, et myrrham ei offerendo.

Omnes clericuli, pariter pueri, cantent ut angeli:
Advenisti mundo, laudes tibi fundo.
Ideo gloria in excelsis Deo.


I’m dreaming of a White Cappa Magna…

… Just like the ones we used to know!

 Abbot Pennings O.Praem., of St Norbert Abbey, De Pere, Wisconsin
Some more photos of abbots in Cappa Magnas you may find HERE 
Source of Photos 

The capa magna does indeed represent the finery of the world, its power and prestige. That is why after his entrance wearing it, the prelate is publicly stripped of this finery and humbled before the congregation. Then, vestment by vestment, the bishop is clothed in the new man of which St. Paul speaks, including the baptismal alb, the dalmatic of charity, the stole of pardon and the chasuble of mercy.

Rorate Mass


In Poland the Rorate Mass (Roraty) in Advent is very important part of Catholic tradition. In most, if not all, parishes in Poland there are daily votive Masses in honor of Our Lady during Advent. This period in a year is celebrated with great favor by kids and adults. Most people in Poland have good memories from their childhood from Advent.

Roraty are celebrated very early in the morning before the sunrise. Mum wakes you up to the parish church for a Mass before going to school. The winters in Poland tend to be very cold, so you walk to the church when it is not only dark, but also freezing and quite scary. But went you get to the church and hear this beautiful ‘Rorate Caeli de super’ you fill again in a place where it is warm, friendly and safely. You fill like Mum Mary welcomes you and worm you up ;)

This was, and for some still is, a daily, and I mean daily, practice during Advent.

What a fabulous school of self-deny and sacrifice for children.

Cardinals by Francesco Brunery part 2

Francesco Brunery (1849 – 1926) was an Italian painter that was associated with anti-clerical art. However, most of his works are quite funny and positive. Above examples show rather important part of Christian life – social gathering around the table, which we all love :-)

Holy Roman Cardinals by Brunery

A Delicate Balance
La Barbier Maladroit
 Up a tree

 Sans Pitie

 Un Duo Discordant
by Francois Brunery



Church of SS. Peter and Paul in Krakow
Tiara, keys, latin and baroque - bring it back to all churches

Altar Boys After Hours

Paul Charles Chocarne-Moreau


Tradicamp 2011 - Extraordinary Holidays with Christ

Polish Fraternity of Saint Peter organizes each year in June Tradicamp. Its purpose is to give people opportunity to spend Catholic vacation with Catholic Liturgy.

See this outstanding video showing some excerpts from the liturgy that took place this year.


Holy Mass Savoir-Vivre in India

 Chapel of Saint Anthony School, Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

When you are in India and you go for a Sunday Mass, be aware of certain customs that are particular for this part of the World:
1.      Take off you shoes when you enter a church – remember that you enter to the Holy of Holies where God is present with His Body on Blood.
2.      Ladies should cover their hair. If you are wearing a Sari, which is most appropriate for Mass, cover your hair with it.
3.      If there are no pews in a church, just feel comfortable and sit on the floor.
4.      Ladies sit on the Gospels side of the Church, men on the Epistle side.

Omnes dii gentium daemonia

There are many people that still wait to hear the Good News of the Gospel. If you feel vocated, go to India like Saint Francis Xavier and sacrifice your life to convert the World.


Blessed Mother Theresa

Blessed Mother Theresa is venerated all over India not only by Catholics.
Interesting fact is that the habit of the Missionaries of charity is inspired by traditional India sari

Pope Pius XII Decree

How it was done in 'good old days'?
Papal bull of pope Pius XII raising church of Saint Thomas in Madras to the status of Basilica

Saint Thomas the Apostel of Madras

Saint Thomas basilica in Madras

Tomb of Saint Thomas the Apostle

India was blessed to be one of the first lands, where the World of Good News was proclaimed by the Apostle of Our Lord, Saint Thomas. Saint Thomas tomb is located in the city of Madras (Chennai) in the state of Tamil Nadu.

However, this land still needs Apostles like Saints Thomas, Francis Xavier, Gonsalo Garcia, Alphonsa, mother Theresa. People on India need Apostles that would lead them to the light of the Truth and not convincing them that all religions are equals, that all people should believe what they were taught (which have place now). Many people in India still believe in many Hindu gods, which is very similar to the situation that Saint Paul met during his apostle visits of Roman Empire. But now you hear even during catholic homilies that you should believe what you believe, unless you are a ‘good person’.

Let us all pray for the conversion of people of India to the Holy Catholic Faith.

May Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ be the only God of all people.

Holy Animals of India

 holy monkey

 holy cows walking around Bombay

holy temple dog, tired of hot


Tridentine Mass in Bombay

 'A large room upstairs, already furnished'

To find a Latin Mass in India is a challenging task, even for an experienced catholic-traveler. There is no updated information in the Internet, so confirm the Mass time and place before. In the country with over 17 million Catholics, there is no single Latin Mass, which would be organized or supported by local bishop, so do not make efforts to call the local diocesan office.

Today I heard the Sunday Mass in a chapel in the northern part of Bombay. The chapel was organized on the first floor of a private building ‘Gratias Mariae’. It was an extraordinary experience not only because of the Mass, but also to see how the regional traditions and sensitivities can have also place in the Tridentin Mass without liturgical abuses. E.g. Ladies wearing traditional Saris were singing gregorian mass for Advent. Altar servants were wearing black cassocks and surplices, but were barefooted – since this is a custom in India that you enter a holy place without shoes. And which place is more holy than the catholic church.

1st floor, Gratias Mariae Building
Tank Road, Orlem
Malad West, Mumbai