
Time to Bring Back Sedia Gestatoria

Just hear the recollactions of Cardinal John Patrick Foley and now say NO to Sedia Gestatoria

1 comment:

  1. English Pastor8/1/12 09:51

    I know many see the Sedia Gestatoria as a sign of triumphalism, but Christ has indeed triumphed, and the Pope is His Vicar on earth, so it is fitting that it be used. It was after all, used by both Popes of Vatican II and so cannot be seen as contrary to the Council -certainly John XXIII and Paul VI must not have seen it so. John Paul I also used it -that is three Conciliar and post-conciliar popes out of five! Further, the current arrangement of a 'Pope of Wheels' is a disturbing, almost laughable manner of getting the Vicar of Christ from A to B.
