
August 17th - St. Hyacinth

Today is the feast of saint Hyacinth (in polish święty Jacek), one of the greatest of sons of saint Dominic and Krakow

 Hyacinth received into the order by saint Dominic himself

The convent of the Dominican Order in Krakow, established by saint Hyacinth

The chapel with the reliquary of saint Hyacinth in Krakow

Collect of the Day

Deus, qui nos beáti Hyacínthi confessóris tui ánnua solemnitáte lætíficas: concéde propítius; ut, cujus natalícia cólimus, étiam actiónes imitémur. Per Dóminum...

O God, who sendest us joy year by year on the feast of blessed Hyacinth, Thy Confessor which we are now keeping: mercifully grant on this day of his heavenly birth that we may grow like him in deed. Through our Lord...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding us about St. Hyacinth.

    "St. Hyacinth Odrowatz (1187-1257)
    Polish, priest, brother of Bl. Ceslaus (July 17), one of first Dominicans, founder of the Polish Province, missionary to Slavs and Nordics, Church appointed patron of Poland, canonized 1594.

    Prayer to Saint Hyacinth

    O holy St. Hyacinth, we ask you to intercede for us and win God's blessings for us.

    We come together as family to bring praise and worship to the Father. May we live lives that are holy.

    Bless us with your devotion to Mary the Mother of God and with an ardent faith in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

    Win for us the graces to continue to live according to gospel values and the teachings of the church.

    Intercede for us and protect us as we place ourselves under your patronage and care."
