
Collect of the Coronation Mass

After the Gloria in excelsis and the Pax vobis, the pope said the Collect for the day and then secretly a prayer for himself:

Deus omnium fidelium pastor et rector, me famulum tuum, quem pastorem Ecclesiae tuae praeesse voluisti, propitius respice: da mihi, quaesumus, verbo et exemplo, quibus praeest, proficere; ut ad vitam, una cum grege sibi credito, perveniam sempiternam. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

O God, the Shepherd and Ruler of all Thy faithful people, mercifully look upon me, Thy servant, whom Thou hast chosen as the chief Shepherd to reside over Thy Church; grant me, we beseech Thee, so to edify, both by word and example, those over whom I hath charge, that I may attain unto everlasting life, together with the flock committed unto me. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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