
The Mass Explained

Read this post on Holy Mass of Fr. Peter Carota on his excellent blog:

(...)When you go to the Novus Ordo mass, it can be a very human experience.  When you go to the Latin Mass it is very divine.(...)
In the Tridentine Mass, the only reason for music is to take the soul to heaven, not to have a nice experience.  The long silence and kneeling forces you to have to go beyond the visible to the invisible.  The priest has, what looks like his back to the people (he is actually facing God the Father to whom he is offering his prayer) and is in Persona Christi.  The priest is not important.  The real invisible action and presence of Jesus through the priest is what is important.   (...)
in the Mass "we celebrate the memorial of the blessed Passion, the Resurrection from the dead, and the glorious Ascension into heaven of Christ, Our Lord". (Canon Missae)

Give only one reason to miss it on any Sunday?


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