The convent of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Łagiewniki where saint sister Faustina of the Most Blessed Sacrament lived and died in 1938

Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (one of the best habits in Krakow)
The convent chapel with the relicts of saint sister Faustina
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Natürlich habe ich die Bilder gewaehlt. Main Blog voreingenommen ist. ich will nur was gut und recht betonen, meiner meinung nach.
Na dann sind wir ja einer Meinung. Soll ich in Zukunft in Deutsch oder Englisch kommentieren?
Niec nie mowim po polsku - Sorry!
You can comment both, english or german. But more apropriet would be english, as this is the language of this blog (or Latin if you wish) :-)
Ecce - scribendum est lingua in Latina!
Sperans exspero proximam occasionem!
Ego non scribam Latine, quia solummodo Latinam inteligo, sed non loquor. Scribam ita Anglice:-) Vale!
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