
Lamb Blessing Ritual on Saint Agnes Day

This is a traditional text of the Lamb Blessing on saint Agnes day by the Pope on January 21st each year. You are invited to translate the main prayer Omnipotens et misericors Deus.

¶ Finita Missa statim Vicarius assistens vadit ad deponendum super credentiam Pluviale, Abbas vero accepta mitra, et facta cum ea debita Cruci reverentia, simul cum Diacono et Subdiacono accedit ad faldistorium, ubi sedit, depositis prius manipulis a Ministris, suumque dimittit, iterum Clerici ponunt super Altare duos Agnos, floribus in capite coronatos, cum pelvino in cornu Evangelii et Epistolæ: Cantores cantant antiphonam sequentem ( Stans, etc.) : In eodem tempore Abbas cum mitra imponit ter incensum in thuribulo de more illud benedicens ; expleta Antiphona mitratus accedit ad altare cum Ministris, et ante ipsum, mitra deposita, facta reverentia Cruci in medium ascendit, ubi manibus iunctis in tono feriali, sive cantu, has præces et orationes dicit.

¶ Postea accipit a Diacono aspersorium, et cum eo ter aspersit Agnum in cornu Evangelii in medio, a dextris, et a sinistris, et alterum in cornu Epistolæ pariter ter eodem modo, ac ter adolet incenso, quo aspersit. Deinde accepta mitra, et facta reverentia Cruci revertitur ad faldistorium ad deponenda paramenta.

Ant. Stans a dextris eius Agnus: nive candidior Christus sibi sponsam et martyrem consecravit.


V. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
R. Qui fecit coelum et terram.
V. Dominus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

Our help is in the name of the Lord
Who made heaven and heart
God be with you 
And with your spirit

OREMUS. Omnipotens et misericors Deus qui per Moysem famulum tuum Pontificibus tabernaculos servientibus, indumenta instituisti: et per sanctos Apostolos tuos Sacerdotibus et Pontificibus Evangelicis vestimenta sacra providisti: effunde tuam sanctam Benedictionem super hos Agnos, de quorum vellere sacra Pallia pro Summis Pontificibus, Patriarchis, et Archiepiscopis conficienda sunt: ut qui eis utuntur una cum plebe sibi commissa per intercessionem B. V. et M. Agnetis (super cuius tumbam oramus) ad æternam benedictionem perducantur: Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Let us pray.

OREMUS. Deus qui infirma mundi eligis ut fortia quæque confundas; concede propitius ut qui Beatæ Agnetis Virginis et Martyris tuæ solemnia colimus eius apud te patrocinia sentiamus. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen.

Let us pray. God, Who hast chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty, mercifully grant unto us that we who keep the solemn feast of thy blessed Virgin and Martyr Agnes, may feel the power of her intercession with thee. Through our Lord Jesus Christ(…). Amen


Usus Antiquior in Mariacki Church

Some Actions and places are simply perfect for each other.

Our Lady Basilica in Krakow

See the most stunnig God's church of Krakow in 3D


Missale S. Ordinis Praedicatorum

Under the link http://bc.dominikanie.pl can be found many interesting old liturgical and spiritual books. The website is in Polish and English, however many books posted are also in German and Latin.

Rare examples:
Missale  S. Ordinis Predicatorum – Ordo Missae on the 131 page
Breviarium juxta ritum Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum from 1894
Officium hebdomadae sanctae iuxta ritum Sac. Ord. Praedicatorum


Symbolism of Cappa Magna

After my previous post about Cappa Magna I would like to draw more attention to this symbolic vestment that is rarely understood in modern times. First we have to understand that Church communicates using symbols that have inner meaning expressing certain ideas. Without accepting this statement all symbols in the liturgy, objects and other actions will be just esthetic and empty thing.
If we do not accept functions of symbolism, Cappa Magna is funny, meaningless object and it is useless to read next part of this text.
However, if we accept use and function of symbols, we must try to understand it, which would enrich our reality, instead of getting rid of it.
I have found an interesting definition and symbolism of Cappa Magna:

“The Cappa Magna does indeed represent the finery of the world, its power and prestige. That is why after his entrance wearing it, the prelate is publicly stripped of this finery and humbled before the congregation. Then, vestment by vestment, the bishop is clothed in the new man of which St Paul speaks, including the baptismal alba, the dalmatic of charity, the stole of pardon and the chasuble of mercy. When finally clothed in Christ, the prelate makes a second entrance into the church to begin the Eucharistic celebration in persona Christi, the visible head of the body, the church.
It was a clear statement that the power and prestige of the world have no place at the altar, but it is expressed in a liturgical ritual or symbol, which, unfortunately, are often lacking in the contemporary rites and thus hard to grasp”.
  Clear, precise and quite true.

But still, this definition does not convince people to this garment. There must be something more that makes so much noise around that:

“The Cappa Magna may have been appropriate in another age and in another time, but not today. Our bishops are meant to be pastors not princes.”
“It's still the dress of monarchs”
“The cappa magna, regardless of its former intent makes the cleric the point of the liturgies and not the assembly with the sacrament.”
And these are the point why the world hates and will never like Cappa Magna - it represents what actually the Church is: Proud of its traditions and Hierarchical. Cappa Magna is a symbol that opposes to two revolutionary statements:

Liberté – in the Church we are not free, we are voluntarily God’s slaves, slaves of His law, slaves of His Liturgy, slaves of Rubrics. We do not discuss on what people will say, we just follow the rules.

Égalité – in the Church WE ARE NOT EQUAL, in any way. We are Hierarchical. One depends on the other. And Cappa Magna is a sign of jurisdiction. It is worn only by bishops in their own diocese, by abbots in their abbey, by Cardinals all over the World and by Pope (once a year, but still).
Moreover, the Church is monarchical. The Pope is also a King (yes, he is), the Cardinals and bishops are princes of the Church (abbots are Dukes ;-). So the association of Cappa Magna with ‘dress of monarchs’ is pretty accurate. It will not be accepted, because they would rather see Bishops a pastors and not rulers.

Will they like Cappa Magna ever? NO, they will not, in the same way as they will not like hierarchy, monarchy and differences between people. Because they hate all authority, they hate all symbols and superiority of all kind, which Cappa Magna represents.


Archbishop Metropolitan at Your Service


 Bridge Blessings

 Airport Blessings

 Cornerstone Blessings


 Public Speeches

Sick Visiting

Business as usual :-)


Pontifical Mass in Mariacki Church

Three images from the pontifical Mass celebrated (probably) by Adam Cardinal Sapieha during Marian Congress in 1931 in Krakow. I personally admire this photos because of the Mariacki church that I particularly like most and would love to see back of Pontifical Mass there.

This must by Cardinal Sapieha celebrating, because of three reasons:
1. 7 candles on the altar
2. Use of pontifical cathedra (seat)
3. Use of archbishop cross
Any other?

Field Pontifical Mass by Cardinal Sapieha

Kodeń - 1927 - transfering of Our Lady Image to the church in Kodeń


Confirmation by FSSP in Krakow

On the Holy Family Sunday January 8th His Excellency Grzegorz Ryś, auxiliary bishop of Krakow has administered the Sacrament of Confirmation. Following the solemn Mass was celebrated by FSSP fathers.  

Source of photos and more of them can be found HERE


Castel Chapel in Krasiczyn

Qui quaerit invenit et pulsanti aperietur

As in most catholic noble houses, in Krasiczyn there I a nice chapel, masterpiece of renaissance. In this chapel young Adam Stephan served to his first masses.

Castel in Krasiczyn - seat of Sapieha Noble Family

Prince Adam Stefan Sapieha, future archbishop of Krakow and S.R.E. cardinal was born and grew up within these walls in noble environment

Great People of Krakow - Adam Stefan Sapieha

Prince Adam Stefan Cardinal Sapieha, archbishop metropolitan of Krakow, Duke of Siewierz
Born May 14, 1867 in Krasiczyn
Died July 21, 1951 in Kraków aged 84
Ordination October 1, 1893 aged 26 by Bishop Jan Puzyna (later Cardinal)
Consecration December 17, 1911 by Pope Pius X in Sistine Chapel
Created Cardinal February 18, 1946 by Pius XII
Bishop and later archbishop of Krakow between  1911 – 1951.
Senator in Polish Parliament between 1922 – 1923.
Till 1951 all bishops of Krakow hold the title of ‘Duke of Siewierz’. Sapieha’s successors stopped to use this title.


Time to Bring Back Sedia Gestatoria

Just hear the recollactions of Cardinal John Patrick Foley and now say NO to Sedia Gestatoria